a place where i store my thoughts, experiences and comments on the policy, the fun and joy of visiting detention centres, my relationships with the people i've met, and the moments of beauty that somehow emerge through the darkness of australia's treatment of refugees.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Important Policy Seminar

On Friday 17th Petro Georgiou will be outlining his Private Member's Bill to reform mandatory detention at the University of Melbourne. Given the recent revelations of serious problems in both detention centres and the Department of Immigration, it is important that this Bill be fully and openly debated. He will be speaking at a forum organised by A Just Australia, hosted by Corrine Grant from ABC TV The Glasshouse, David Manne, Co-ordinator of theRefugee and Immigration Legal Centre (RILC) and Grant Mitchell from the Asylum Seeker Centre will also be speaking. . The Lecture Theatre is building number 134, next to Gate 3 on Swanston St.

Friday June 17 7.00pm - 9.00pm
Melbourne University, Theatre A, Elisabeth Murdoch Building

Are there alternatives to detention? Experts say there is A Better Way.
Come to hear the sensible middle ground of this politically sensitive issue.

MC - Corrine Grant of The Glasshouse (ABC TV)
Speakers include:

Petro Georgiou, MP. He will be outlining the details of his two private members bills, the main points seek to:
* release all children and families assessed by judge not to pose any danger
* Act of Compassion: long-term detainees who have been in
detention for more than a year to be released after individual security assessment by a judge with same entitlements as the new bridging visa
* 90 day limit on detention after which a judge will review any
continued need to detain
* release into community on bridging visa with work rights and
Medicare whilst being processed
* ending temporary protection with all protection visas to be

David Manne, Co-ordinator of the Refugee and Immigration Legal Centre
(RILC) who will outline the current legal framework for seeking asylum, and the problems in the new bridging visa offered by the Government which removes people's legal rights.

Grant Mitchell of the Asylum Seeker Centre of Uniting Care's Hotham Mission, which has years of experience working with community-based asylum seekers. Along with the Justice for Asylum Seekers network, they have pioneered policy proposals for the community release of asylum seekers. These proposals have been tested - they have far higher rates of voluntary return of failed asylum seekers and they cost far less to run. These programs could be implemented right now - all that is lacking is the political will. www.thebetterway.info


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