a place where i store my thoughts, experiences and comments on the policy, the fun and joy of visiting detention centres, my relationships with the people i've met, and the moments of beauty that somehow emerge through the darkness of australia's treatment of refugees.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Migration Bill Passed in Lower House - ACT NOW TO STOP IT IN THE SENATE!

The Migration Amendment Bill has passed in the House of
Representatives, so it is one giant step closer to becoming law.
BUT!!! The Bill can still be stopped in the Senate.

Please take the time to send emails and call the following people if
you haven't already. And if you have, let's go again.

If this law passes it will be the worst thing that's ever happened to
this country. This is our LAST CHANCE.

You should concentrate on 4 key senators who have not yet made up
their minds whether they will cross the floor and vote against the
amended Bill. Please contact these Senators this week and tell them
your opinion of the proposal in its latest amended form. Tell them it
is STILL not acceptable to the Australian people.

1. If you are a Christian, ring Steve Fielding, Family First Senator
Please passionately remind him that the Christian community is looking
to him to represent them and act on his convictions. He has made
plenty of noise on refugees but never acted so NOW is the crucial time
for him to act.

Tel: (03) 9802-1922
Info: http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/senators/homepages/s-e4r.htm
Email: senator.fielding@aph.gov.au

2. If you are a personal friend of refugees, ring Barnaby Joyce,
Nationals Senator
You should focus on how well your refugee friends have assimilated
into Australian society. This is a concern of his, "social upheaval"
(as he put it in an email to a ChilOut supporter), caused by
too-different-from-us people entering society. He needs reassurance
that there won't be social unrest as a result of new Australians'

Tel: (07) 4625-1500
Info: http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/senators/homepages/s-e5d.htm
Email: senator.joyce@aph.gov.au

3. Russell Trood, Liberal Senator
Also from QLD, he has shown a strong interest in human rights and
social justice but has not committed himself to voting against the
Bill. He needs encouragement – particularly if you are from QLD.

Tel: (07) 3372-4555
Info: http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/senators/homepages/s-e6a.htm
Email: senator.trood@aph.gov.au

4. Brett Mason, Liberal Senator
Another QLD Senator who hasn't made up his mind yet. Please ring him
and tell him why he should use his power as a Senator to stop children
being sent to Nauru ever again.

Tel: (07) 3422-1990
Info: http://www.aph.gov.au/senate/senators/homepages/s-84m.htm
Email: senator.mason@aph.gov.au

We mustn't let the Government get away with this.



Blogger Kate said...

Interview with Amanda V on the ABC this morning made my blood boil. I had my headphones in and was literally shaking my fists as I walked to work! Praying for today's outcome...

12:07 PM


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